Spice Up Your Marketing Campaigns

70% of users prefer the chance to win life changing money over discounts or rebates for the actions they take with their favorite brands.

Enhance Conversions by 30% or more

With a universal jackpot you can now advertise larger rewards to make it more compelling for users to engage.

Reduce Your Costs by 80% or more

The incentive cost with Bundle is only $2 per user and you only pay once a user performs the required action.

Increase Your Reach by 5x or more

Budget constraints limiting how many users you can target? Get more mileage on the dollar with Bundle.

Significantly Boost Your ROIs

Targeting more users with higher conversion rates and lower incentive costs equals higher ROIs.

Acquire, engage & Retain More Users For Less

See what happens when you bundle together a super sized jackpot to incentivise users

How many users will you target?

How much will you spend to incentivize a user?


What's your typical conversion rate?


The Old Way

Cost of incentives


Users converted

0 Users

With Bundle

Cost of incentives


Users converted

65 Users

Spend 0% less to convert
more *
* DISCLAIMER: Results will vary depending on a number of factors

How It Works

Create your Bundle Incentive

No upfront commitments!

In less than 10 minutes and with just 5 easy steps you set up your participation in the universal jackpot. All campaigns can be seamlessly tracked and managed from your Bundle dashboard.


Add The Bundle Incentive To Your Marketing Campaigns

No tech integrations required!

You communicate with your users like you always do. We provide you with customizable templates per marketing channel if you need them.

When Users Convert, They Get Tickets to The Draw

You only pay per conversion!

Users that don't want to try their luck, have the option to instantly sell their tickets. Users that don’t end up winning still get reward stamps for participating.


The Draw Takes Place Every Quarter

In every draw you users are guaranteed to win something!

There are numerous winners in every draw and we ensure all participants have much higher chances of winning than other major games of chance.

The larger your final contribution, the more winners you get and the higher probability that one of your users wins the grand prize.

let's get ready to bundle

Countdown Until Our Next Draw

Draw Date:

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